
UKey for creators

Unleash the creator in you

Musicians, artists, streamers can monetize by selling content with micro payments

Going viral is great. Earning from the get-go is even better. Use ukeys to earn 65% or more.¹

Whether you are an artist, streamer, or a writer, you will love UKey! Request fans to support your creator journey with tips as little as 5 cents.

UKey for publishers

Provide pay-per-use experiences

Consumers can buy individual news articles or tip to continue consuming content with adblockers

Empower a global audience to buy individual articles and enjoy 40% higher conversions.¹

Seamlessly recover revenue from adblock losses. UKey's dynamic pricing engine enables you to provide flexible and affordable pay-per-use and tipping experiences.

UKey for mom-and-pop stores

Save upto 80% on card fees

Sell low priced goods or rent low priced services without incurring high card fees

Delight your customers with discounts enabled by your savings on fees. See 33% more repeat buyers.¹

Thanks to UKey, selling goods or renting out low priced services without incurring high fees is now a reality.

UKey for SaaS

Monetize premium services from day 1

Consumers can buy individual news articles are tip to continue consuming content with adblockers

Free trials are a thing of the past. Pay-per-use experiences let you monetize from day one.

Enable customers to unlock premium features from the get-go and gently nudge them to pay for subscriptions.

¹ An internal study conducted by UKey involving projections and data from Jan 2023 to Jun 2023.

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© UKey Inc. 2024


Made with 🖤 in Austin and Boston

UKey Inc. is a financial technology company, not a bank.